Btw. at the moment I ended up with

ON_APP_ENGINE = os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Google App 
       'default': {
           'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
           'HOST': '/cloudsql/supple-century-124208:supple-century-124208',
           'NAME': 'appengine_django_skkeleton',
           'USER': 'root',
       'default': {
           'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
           'NAME': 'appengine_django_skkeleton',
           'USER': 'root',
           'PASSWORD': '1234',
           'HOST': '',
           'PORT': '3306',
       'prod': {
           'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
           'NAME': '<prod-database-name>',
           'USER': '<prod-database-user>',
           'PASSWORD': '<prod-database-password>',
           'HOST': '<prod-database-ip>',
           'PORT': '3306',

and than running management task through the remote api shell -s

import os
from google.appengine.ext import vendor
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")
import django
from django.core import management
management.call_command('makemigrations', 'polls', interactive=True)
management.call_command('migrate', interactive=False)

management.call_command('migrate', database='prod', interactive=False)
management.call_command('createsuperuser', database='prod', 

./ was getting unusable after I started using things from `from 
google.appengine.api`. Is there an easier way to use management commands 
with the GAE stuff loaded then djangae is doing it?

On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 3:11:54 PM UTC+1, Silvan Spross wrote:
> I'm used to deploy to managed servers through some Fabric scripts (or CI's 
> using them). I also run a project with Docker, where Django, Celery, Redis, 
> RabbitMQ, Postgres and Ngnix are in separate containers.
> However, now I want to give Google App Engine a try. I don't want to use 
> Google Container Engine or Google App Engine Managed VM for now. I consider 
> them as another option if using plain Google App Engine does not work out.
> My goals are:
>    1. 
> *Separated Environments *Development, Stage and Production (where stage 
>    and production can be just different app engine projects and so can be 
>    considered as "the same").
>    2. *Using Task Queue* (instead of Celery)
>    Used for async tasks and scheduled ones (cronjob).
>    3. *Using Memcache* (instead of Redis)
>    For caching keys up to caching templates etc.
>    4. 
> *Using Cloud Storage (Buckets) as Storage backend *For media files.
>    5. *Using CloudSQL* (instead of Postgres)
>    I don't care about nonrel for the moment. Using Datastore should be a 
>    future goal here.
> My subject is all about how to setup and separate environments (1). But if 
> someone has feedback or input about another goal, why e.g. not to use it, 
> I'm very happy to hear! Btw. my test project is much alike 
> for now.
> What bugs me at the moment:
>    - Load different settings e.g. database based on 
>    os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Google App Engine')
>    Is this best practice?
>    - I run my application local with:
>    source env/bin/activate
> app.yaml
>    to have python libraries that use C extensions loaded locally (like 
>    mysql) and that
>    google.appengine
>    is available. But how can I run django management commands locally? 
>    Whats best practice here?
>    - And the biggest one: Whats best practice to migrate production 
>    database? I heard stuff about interacting with the database through a 
>    separate GCE instance running scripts. Or is there no best practice 
> because 
>    with Datastore "you don't need" migrations ;)
> I would be very happy about some tipps pointing me to the right direction. 
> Thank you!
> Silvan

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