As a very sincere suggestion, try not to build anything for fb at all, if 
you can (and for instagram/twitter for that matter)

It's basically a trap for developers, you waste your resources (i), there 
is no positive outcome at all, even if you manage to get a positive 
outcome, it will be terminated with various excuses and sometimes no 
excuses at all

More on topic, unexplainable fb api failures are pretty common, I just 
ignore them at this point, try not to lose time on it, if it's not mission 
critical, in some months, it may even fix itself, even if you report it to 
fb and it gets accepted as a bug, don't expect a swift solution (because 

The only valid fb api usage at this point is b2b apps, where the 
end-business is the ones that are trapped, like page owners etc., you might 
profit from selling apps to them while their waste their times with their 
fb pages, even in this case, if you are not at the point of no return, 
return and do something useful :)

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