Since I switched my App Engine app to a flexible environment, it seems that 
all tasks failed to run. I was surprised that all tasks failed. But when I 
open the logs, I got only this:

01:33:56.026POST500167 B4 msAppEngine-Google; 

The status code is 500, but when I expand it, there is only this 
information inside: - - [29/Sep/2016:01:33:56 +0800] "POST /_ah/queue/deferred 
HTTP/1.1" 500 167 
"AppEngine-Google; (+" 
"" ms=4 cpu_ms=0 cpm_usd=1.8663e-8 
loading_request=0 instance=- app_engine_release=1.9.45 trace_id=-
metadata: {…}  
protoPayload: {…}  
insertId: "2016-09-28|10:34:00.180396-07||1292268011"  
log: ""  
httpRequest: {…}  
operation: {…}  
There is no exception or stack trace or anything else that I usually see 
when I was using the standard environment.

How can I troubleshoot this? Why are my deferred tasks not run?

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