Hey Adrian,

While opening new projects on Google Code was discontinued, we continue to 
operate Public Issue Trackers for many of our projects there as the 
official forums for issue reporting, and we monitor them daily. Here are a 
few of them:

App Engine <https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/list>
Compute Engine <https://code.google.com/p/google-compute-engine/issues/list>
Cloud SDK <https://code.google.com/p/google-cloud-sdk/issues/list>
Cloud SQL <https://code.google.com/p/googlecloudsql/issues/list>
BigQuery <https://code.google.com/p/google-bigquery/issues/list>
Cloud Platform <https://code.google.com/p/google-cloud-platform/issues/list>


Cloud Platform Community Support

On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 4:05:05 AM UTC-5, Adrian Bogatu wrote:
> Hi, Nick,
> Thanks for the answer. Honestly, at first, I wanted to post on Google 
> Code, but I know it has been discontinued in 2016 and I wasn't sure it was 
> tracked anymore.
> Thanks,
> Adrian
> On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 10:16:04 PM UTC+2, Nick (Cloud Platform 
> Support) wrote:
>> Hey Adrian,
>> Thanks for reporting this. I've just about reproduced this behaviour and 
>> will shortly post a link to a Public Issue Tracker 
>> <https://code.google.com/p/google-cloud-platform/issues/list> thread you 
>> can follow for updates. 
>> In general, posts like this, which look like a post that belongs in the 
>> Public Issue Tracker, should be posted there. This Google Groups forum is 
>> meant for more general and high level discussion of the App Engine platform 
>> and services rather than specific-issue technical reporting. We monitor 
>> there regularly and will quickly get the issue acknowledged and tracked.
>> I'll update this thread with a link to the thread once it's made, or if I 
>> need any further clarification on reproducing this behaviour.
>> Cheers,
>> Nick
>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>> On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 11:13:27 AM UTC-5, Adrian Bogatu wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Situation: When sending a trace containing 2 spans (a root-span and a 
>>> child span) that have the same span name, the two spans are merged together 
>>> and only one span is displayed. In addition, some of the fields are 
>>> overwritten and information is lost.
>>> See example in the attachment (print screen from developer console in 
>>> google cloud platform), where two spans both having the name "get_test" are 
>>> sent in a trace to Stackdriver Trace: one client root-span and one server 
>>> child span. The different annotations of both the spans are merged, but 
>>> some shared annotations are overwritten by the client root-span (e.g. 
>>> zipkin.io/span.kind is "client"). I expected to have 2 spans: one with 
>>> the tag-value "client" and one "server".
>>> This issue is because, I am guessing, the backend considers the span's 
>>> uniqueness based on the span's name. I don't think that's correct, instead 
>>> the unique *span id* should be used to track spans.
>>> There are many cases when one wants to use the same name for multiple 
>>> spans in a trace (e.g. span_name="get_users" to be the same for client and 
>>> server; standard annotations in libraries like span_name="mysql-client" 
>>> when you have multiple sequential MySQL request). In those cases, only one 
>>> span with that specified name will exist, and annotations will be lost.
>>> I used both a custom stackdriver trace client in Go (that uses Go 
>>> package cloudtrace/v1 
>>> <https://github.com/google/google-api-go-client/tree/master/cloudtrace>) 
>>> and the relatively new google's zipkin collector for stackdriver trace 
>>> <https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/stackdriver-zipkin>.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Adrian

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