We've seen this error occasionally but reproducing it has been hit or miss. 
I'd advise filing an issue on the googleappengine issue tracker  
<https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/list>and uploading a 
sample app which exhibits the problem. If you provide a link to the issue I 
will pick it up from there.

On Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 12:07:47 PM UTC-5, Kevin Wise wrote:
> I have an exceptionally strange situation. My web app, running on Guice in 
> a app engine standard environment, works fine in a development environment 
> on Linux or Mac, but doesn't work on Windows. The symptom is that when I 
> try to run the application, it appears to startup, but then always responds 
> with a 500 error. The log reports:
> ERROR    2017-02-24 15:06:29,865 http_proxy.py:116] bad runtime process 
> port ['']
> INFO     2017-02-24 15:06:29,964 module.py:806] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 4379
> Even stranger, the server returns *the log file contents to the browser*.  
> Here is a sample of the browser output:
> bad runtime process port ['']
> Feb 24, 2017 3:04:52 PM 
> com.google.appengine.tools.development.AbstractContainerService configure
> WARNING: Null value for 
> containerConfigProperties.get(devappserver.portMappingProvider)
> Feb 24, 2017 3:04:52 PM com.google.apphosting.utils.jetty.JettyLogger info
> INFO: Logging to JettyLogger(null) via 
> com.google.apphosting.utils.jetty.JettyLogger
> Feb 24, 2017 10:04:52 PM com.google.apphosting.utils.jetty.JettyLogger info
> INFO: jetty-6.1.x
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:15 PM org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.Version 
> <clinit>
> INFO: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.2.4.Final
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider as a 
> provider class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.sample.health.HealthCheckResource as a root resource 
> class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.example.appengine.helloworld.HelloResource as a root 
> resource class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.sample.exception.ConflictExceptionMapper as a provider 
> class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.sample.exception.IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper as a 
> provider class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
> INFO: Registering com.sample.webjars.JaxRsWebjarsServlet as a root resource 
> class
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.19.3 10/24/2016 03:43 
> PM'
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.sample.exception.ConflictExceptionMapper to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.sample.exception.IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.sample.health.HealthCheckResource to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.example.appengine.helloworld.HelloResource to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory 
> getComponentProvider
> INFO: Binding com.sample.webjars.JaxRsWebjarsServlet to 
> GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM com.google.apphosting.utils.jetty.JettyLogger info
> INFO: Started SelectChannelConnector@localhost:54117
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.google.appengine.tools.development.AbstractModule startup
> INFO: Module instance default is running at http://localhost:54117/
> Feb 24, 2017 10:05:19 PM 
> com.google.appengine.tools.development.AbstractModule startup
> INFO: The admin console is running at http://localhost:54117/_ah/admin
> Feb 24, 2017 3:05:55 PM 
> com.google.appengine.tools.development.devappserver2.DevAppServer2Impl doStart
> INFO: Dev App Server is now running
> I've been chasing the problem down all week. I started with the 
> helloworld-new-plugins sample project from Google (which worked). Then I 
> gradually added on layers of my app until it stopped working.  Through 
> trial and error I discovered that it works if some of the bindings are 
> commented out.  There are four bindings for exception mappings. If only one 
> of the exception mappers is bound, it works. Doesn't matter which one.  
> There is another binding for a resource class. If that is commented out, 
> then I can bind any two of the exception mappers. None of the other 
> bindings seem to have any effect. Keep in mind, this only happens on 
> Windows-- all three developers who tried on Windows got the same problem, 
> and but it works fine for both a Linux and a Mac developer.
> The other symptom is that it takes about 2 minutes to startup when it's 
> not working.  When it works, it takes about 10 seconds or less. I tried 
> profiling using the IntelliJ profiler but couldn't get it to return 
> results. I don't know if that's a configuration problem, a bug in IntelliJ, 
> or my lack of experience running it.
> When it fails, it never hits the GuiceFilter, which makes me wonder if 
> maybe the problem isn't in the Java code, but somewhere else like in the 
> python dev server. I tried updating to the latest Google Cloud SDK but it 
> didn't fix the issue. I tried running the python commands directly, adding 
> verbose output. It produced too much output to be very useful, almost all 
> during the first 10 seconds or so. I tried bumping the Java logging level 
> up but that didn't show anything either.
> Has anyone seen anything remotely similar to this? Any ideas on where to 
> go from here?

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