
It appears that GAE PHP build "May 1 2017 18:43:30" has a number of
extensions enabled that were not previously enabled in PHP build "Jan 31
2017 14:27:34" and are now causing issues with a number of our applications.

Specifically, build "May 1 2017 18:43:30" has the cURL, fileinfo,
ImageMagick, intl, Mongo extensions enabled. The issues encountered are:

   - The cURL extension uses the Sockets service
   which requires billing to be enabled.
      - We are using Guzzle to issue HTTP requests. When cURL is not
      enabled, Guzzle uses stream wrappers which do not require billing to be
      enabled. Now Guzzle is using cURL, which required billing to be enabled.
   - The ImageMagick extension has trouble writing to temp files:

Type: ImagickException
Code: 1
Message: WriteBlob Failed
`vfs://root/temp/cpdf_img_591b98f4295cc8.03160068.png' @
Line: 4413

Below is the output of `php_uname` and `get_loaded_extensions` for 2
versions of GAE PHP for comparison. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



string(107) "Linux unknown 3.13.0-106-generic #153-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 6
15:44:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
array(49) {
  string(4) "Core"
  string(18) "GAE Runtime Module"
  string(5) "OAuth"
  string(3) "PDO"
  string(10) "Reflection"
  string(3) "SPL"
  string(9) "SimpleXML"
  string(12) "Zend OPcache"
  string(3) "apc"
  string(4) "apcu"
  string(6) "bcmath"
  string(8) "calendar"
  string(5) "ctype"
  string(4) "date"
  string(3) "dom"
  string(4) "ereg"
  string(4) "exif"
  string(6) "filter"
  string(3) "ftp"
  string(2) "gd"
  string(31) "google_cloud_sql_mysqlnd_plugin"
  string(4) "hash"
  string(5) "iconv"
  string(4) "json"
  string(6) "libxml"
  string(9) "mailparse"
  string(8) "mbstring"
  string(6) "mcrypt"
  string(8) "memcache"
  string(9) "memcached"
  string(5) "mysql"
  string(6) "mysqli"
  string(7) "mysqlnd"
  string(7) "openssl"
  string(4) "pcre"
  string(9) "pdo_mysql"
  string(7) "session"
  string(5) "shmop"
  string(4) "soap"
  string(7) "sockets"
  string(8) "standard"
  string(9) "tokenizer"
  string(30) "urlfetch_stream_wrapper_plugin"
  string(3) "xml"
  string(9) "xmlreader"
  string(9) "xmlwriter"
  string(3) "xsl"
  string(3) "zip"
  string(4) "zlib"

string(112) "Linux unknown 4.4.0-66-generic #87~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar
3 17:32:36 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
array(54) {
  string(4) "Core"
  string(18) "GAE Runtime Module"
  string(5) "OAuth"
  string(3) "PDO"
  string(10) "Reflection"
  string(3) "SPL"
  string(9) "SimpleXML"
  string(12) "Zend OPcache"
  string(3) "apc"
  string(4) "apcu"
  string(6) "bcmath"
  string(8) "calendar"
  string(5) "ctype"
  string(4) "curl"
  string(4) "date"
  string(3) "dom"
  string(4) "ereg"
  string(4) "exif"
  string(8) "fileinfo"
  string(6) "filter"
  string(3) "ftp"
  string(2) "gd"
  string(31) "google_cloud_sql_mysqlnd_plugin"
  string(4) "hash"
  string(5) "iconv"
  string(7) "imagick"
  string(4) "intl"
  string(4) "json"
  string(6) "libxml"
  string(9) "mailparse"
  string(8) "mbstring"
  string(6) "mcrypt"
  string(8) "memcache"
  string(9) "memcached"
  string(5) "mongo"
  string(5) "mysql"
  string(6) "mysqli"
  string(7) "mysqlnd"
  string(7) "openssl"
  string(4) "pcre"
  string(9) "pdo_mysql"
  string(7) "session"
  string(5) "shmop"
  string(4) "soap"
  string(7) "sockets"
  string(8) "standard"
  string(9) "tokenizer"
  string(30) "urlfetch_stream_wrapper_plugin"
  string(3) "xml"
  string(9) "xmlreader"
  string(9) "xmlwriter"
  string(3) "xsl"
  string(3) "zip"
  string(4) "zlib"

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