Yesterday I had a couple failures when trying to deploy a new version of my 
service, which is configured with "vm: true". It seemed to correlate with 
the memcache outage (even though I don't use memcache); after that was 
fixed I had no trouble deploying.

I happened to look at the list of running versions of my service after 
that, and there were still instances running for each failed attempt to 
deploy. All traffic was still going to the previous, working instance, so 
nothing was broken, but I had to shut down those instances myself.

So, if you had any failed deployments yesterday, you might want to check 
that out. It could cost you money. GCP console -> App Engine -> Versions 
(and select the relevant service if you have more than one).

Hopefully some Google SREs are also on this and will check for extra 
instances that need to be shut down too...

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