App Engine without it's services is an archaic and expensive instance 
scaling service in an age of cloud innovations, totally beats it's core 
purpose in my opinion, it's not an "App Engine" any more

I wonder if it makes more sense to migrate to something like Cloud 
Functions, from the docs, they didn't build it for websites - I'll 
experiment at one point, these docs seems promising:

I guess what I mourn most is my lost experience with App Engine, I had all 
the gimmicks sorted out, but I guess it should be fun reinventing the 
wheel, playing with new technologies

Firebase / Firebase DB / it's realtime capabilities, in theory, seemed 
super fun to me, but having experience with App Engine, what matters is how 
well you know the service and how it performs in high throughput scenarios, 
that's why I won't easily abandon App Engine, as I exactly know how it 
performs, where the limits lie, how to work around them etc.

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