I don’t think Google could have come up with a more confusing and convoluted 
system for API permission management if they tried.

So I’ve enabled the “cloud translation” API within my project.

I have some Python (2.7, old school) code that goes:

credentials = 
http_auth = credentials.authorize(Http())
service = build("translation", "v3", http=http_auth)

And I get:

googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting 
 returned "Cloud IAM permission 'cloudtranslate.generalModels.predict' denied.">

So it seems like I need to check some box somewhere to make this work, but I 
can’t figure out where.

The service account in the client secrets file is working fine when I use it to 
hit Google Analytics from the same app. And in fact, my code to access GA is 
almost identical except the scope and service call.

Any ideas?


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