Thanks Alejandro.

*dev_appserver*: The challenge seems to be that it needs python 2 
installation for it to support python 3.x. So, looks like dev_appserver is 
still not "native" to python 3.x.And possibly due to this, I am not able to 
run dev_appserver in debugger mode for python 3.x applications.  That is 
what I meant about dev_appserver not being available fully for python 3.x. 

*Bundled services: *Yes, I looks like now memcache and task queue is being 
made available for python 3.x and these seem to be in beta as of now. 
However, from what I understand, *search * is not available as yet unless 
there is a concrete plan to make it available for 3.x. The current 
suggestion for search seems to be host our own on Kubernetes, which defeats 
the whole purpose of someone using Google App Engine - which hides all the 
infra from the developers.

So, unless, the unstated intent of Google team is to move people away from 
App Engine eventually, current, proposed migration path is not helping.

*Notice of termination of python 2.x*: Thank you. This helps.


On Friday, January 7, 2022 at 9:24:48 PM UTC+5:30 Alejandro L wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for your message.
> As you mention, Python has ended support for versions 2.x, and we do 
> encourage our users to use a 3.x version. However, I would like to answer 
> all your questions, point by point:
> 0 - Dev_appserver does indeed have support for Python 3, which you can 
> find here 
> <>
> [1].
> 1 - GAE still supports many 2.x bundled services in the Python 3 runtime, 
> including memcache and task queue. You can find more information about this 
> in this paragraph 
> <>
> [2] from the migrate to Python 3 page, and in this link 
> <> 
> [3]. However, currently, the recommendation is to consider migrating to 
> unbundled 
> Google Cloud products 
> <>
> [4]. There is a feature request about this which you can follow in this 
> link <> [5].
> 2 - Currently we do not have any information about ending Python 2.x 
> support.
> 3 - As mentioned in the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service 
> <,offerings,%20or%20functionality>
> [6], there will be at least 12 months notice before a discontinuation of 
> any service in Google Cloud. We will also ensure that any transition goes 
> as smoothly as possible, and provide support for any doubts about any 
> discontinuation.
> I hope this answers all your questions.
> [1]: 
> [2]: 
> [3]: 
> [4]: 
> [5]:
> [6]: 
> On Monday, January 3, 2022 at 5:42:43 AM UTC wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We understand that Python 2.7 has been deprecated and Google is advising 
>> customers to move to Python 3.7 for GAE.
>> However, given that, there are several things in works at google related 
>> to moving to Python 3.7, e.g.
>> 1. Dev_appserver still works only on python 2.7
>> 2. Google has recently release memcache and taskqueue support for Python 
>> 3,7 and it is still in beta
>> 3. Etc.
>> Given this, is it possible to get some guidance on 
>> 1.Timeline by which we will have general availability of the memcache and 
>> task queue etc services
>> 2. the timeline by which python 2.7 will be shutdown - if at all there is 
>> a plan to shut it down.
>> 3. How much advance notice would the customers get before Python 2.7 
>> services are shutdown.
>> Thank you
>> Sajal

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