I have a messenger bot built with google's dialogflow engine, to respond the user I have a webhook. when I send a message with a "hello", the default welcome intent its triggered and the webhook it its called and it responds to me. After that I need the products of my business so I write "Comprar" (Buy), the Products intent it is triggered and the webhook responds with a fulfillment message with a list of available products. In the history section in google dialogflow, I can see the json respond of the wekhook with the message that the user will receive. But facebook does not show the message. I use the same webhook for many intents, and it is not working in this case. this is the respond I got in the History section for this case: { "id": "f75002cd-2f8a-422a-960d-dd2c9e00b490-74fe87bc", "fulfillmentText": "", "language_code": "es", "queryText": "Comprar", "webhookPayload": {}, "intentDetectionConfidence": 1, "action": "GET_CATEGORIES", "webhookSource": "", "parameters": {}, "fulfillmentMessages": [ { "quickReplies": { "title": "Escoge alguna de estas CategorÃas:", "quickReplies": [ "Volver", "", "FIRMA ELECTRONICA" ] } } ], "diagnosticInfo": { "webhook_latency_ms": "732.0" }, "webhookStatus": { "webhookStatus": { "message": "Webhook execution successful" }, "webhookUsed": true }, "outputContexts": [ { "lifespanCount": 1, "name": "vercatalogo-followup", "parameters": {} } ], "intent": { "isFallback": false, "displayName": "ver.catalogo", "id": "41dcecf2-11b6-4e50-8294-b86d849093e1" } } I hope someone will help me. Thanks in advance. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google App Engine" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/google-appengine/08affce9-c55d-44e3-9831-a136c3cca8a9n%40googlegroups.com.