>From the documentation 
the path to the *prepend.php* file should be as follows: 
/<WORKSPACE>/vendor/google/cloud/cloud-error-reporting/src/prepend.php. The 
path you included in your *php.ini* is a bit different, have you previously 
tried with the exact path shown in the documentation?

On Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 3:49:59 AM UTC-5 sirk...@talk-point.de 

> I have an App (PHP 7.4) running on Google AppEngine Standard and deploy 
> works fine. Now i have created a new Project inside CloudConsole 
> <https://console.cloud.google.com/> with same settings and want to deploy 
> this App to the new generated Project for testreason.
> *gcloud app deploy app.yaml --project=testapp-2022-08-14*
> *But i am getting this error:*
> Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required 
> '/srv/vendor/google/cloud-error-reporting/src/prepend.php' 
> (include_path='.:/layers/google.php.runtime/php/lib/php') in Unknown on 
> line 0
> To activate the Cloud-Error-Reporting i followed this Documentation: 
> CloudErrorrEPORTING 
> <https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/docs/setup/php?hl=de#enabling_the_library>
> *my php.ini*
> auto_prepend_file = 
> '/srv/vendor/google/cloud-error-reporting/src/prepend.php' 
> session.gc_maxlifetime = 259200 opcache.memory_consumption = 128
> *my app.yaml*
> runtime: php74
> instance_class: F1
> entrypoint: serve bootstrap.php
> handlers:
>   ...
> env_variables:
>   ...
> runtime_config:
>   document_root: .
> automatic_scaling:
>   max_instances: 20
> Can anyone help?

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