I am facing exactly the same issue.

On Apr 27, 8:48 pm, Atif Aziz <aziza...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a number of projects and groups set of for those projects for
> notifications of issues and commits. Since a few months now, I've been
> getting requests to moderate posts from codesite-nore...@google.com
> (which didn't used to happen before) and which have always been
> legitimate (not one was actual spam). But now, just about every other
> post from codesite-nore...@google.com is being quarantined for
> approval and which is getting ridiculous. Is this a known issue?
> I tried searching this group for threads on a similar issue but gave
> up after the third page of results so apologies if it's been discussed
> numerous time before.
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