On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Ben Collins-Sussman <suss...@google.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:27 PM, GTM <gmcgrath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm attempting to move a project out of a locally hosted SVN into a
> > google code SVN and having some difficulty.
> >
> > I've used svnsync and actually had it run, it runs all the way thru to
> > revision 1200 or so, then it stops as if it's finished the sync (ie,
> > there are no errors produced at the end of the sync, it simply ends).
> > However the repository goes well beyond that to around revision 6300.
> > Running the sync command again does not push it to continue syncing.
> >
> > It should be noted that I am not syncing the entire original
> > repository, but instead a sub branch that includes just the code I
> > would like to have hosted here as the repository includes a number of
> > peoples other work.  I've attempted to simply do an svn dump, then
> > filter the dump with svndumpfilter.  However due to the constraints of
> > the dumpfilter code that has proven impossible (we have a large number
> > of svn cp commands sourcing locations outside what I am allowing into
> > the filter).
> >
> > Are there any solutions to the problem?
> The problem is sufficiently vague in that I don't think anyone can
> give you any answers without looking at your specific 'source'
> dumpfile or source repository.  It would also help if you told us the
> name of the project.  :-)
> However, my hunch is that this has little to do with the google code
> server, and everything to do with the fragility of history filtered by
> svndumpfilter.  Here's what I would do:
> 1.  Create a new empty repository on local disk, and try svnsyncing
> your source repository into it.  Does it complete all the way through?
> 2.  Make your source repository available to the public so others can
> download it for examination.
> 3.  Send this post to us...@subversion.tigris.org, which is an
> extremely active users-supporting-users list.
I hope I don't get into the same situation, I am at this moment syncing
version 827 out of 6145, and started almost two hours ago.

I have been able to filter out the desired project by using this script:


Which resulted in a dump file containing the intended project but also tons
of empty revisions which I have been unable to filter out.

The svndumpfilter command seems useless: it can't extract a project from a
larger repository unless very specific conditions (only present in toy
projects) are met; it can't remove empty revisions and renumber them unless
the revisions are becoming empty as a result of the current filtering, so
there is no way to clean up an existing repository.

So I'm syncing the 6145 revisions, most of which are empty but nonetheless
take about 10 seconds each... :-/

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