And I only just noticed that the 'view raw file' views a particular version
of the file. I'd like the link to show the latest version (like the one in
the email below).

Many thanks,


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Darren Pearce-Lazard <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have been working on a project (hosted at GCH) called migen for the last
> couple of years or so and we are now at the stage where we are designing the
> database. Rather than send out various iterations of the database design
> diagram, I thought it would be sensible to host it within our subversion
> repository. The file is located here:
> I changed the mime-type to image/png as required.
> My questions are:
>    - When I go to the above URL, I have the hide details/show details
>    option as usual. From a little testing, it seems that this option is
>    remembered across various viewings of the file(s). When others go to view
>    the file, I'd like it if details were automatically hidden. Is this
>    possible? I recall a relatively recent post in which wiki pages could be
>    viewed in a very simple form using a simple query string like ?a=1 or
>    something. Is there some similar feature available for viewing files?
>    - Is it possible to pass a query string that disables the header?
> I've just this moment seen the 'view raw file link' mentioned in another
> thread and this does what I want except I would like people to be able to
> have a very minimal interface when viewing the image so that they can browse
> past versions. i.e. I'd just like the 'source path' bar. Picky, I know. :-)
> Any help greatly appreciated. :-)
> Cheers,
> :Darren.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  :Darren :Pearce-Lazard
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  *** Shop & Donate: ***
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Postdoctoral Researcher
>  London Knowledge Lab, University of London
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Visiting Research Fellow
>  Informatics, University of Sussex
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 :Darren :Pearce-Lazard
 *** Shop & Donate: ***
 Postdoctoral Researcher
 London Knowledge Lab, University of London
 Visiting Research Fellow
 Informatics, University of Sussex

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