Hi Ben,

I tried your proposal #1 but it did not solve the problem. The output
when running "mvn release:perform" seems to indicate that it worked
out well in the end but nothing gets deployed so it obviously fails:

[INFO] Uploading: svn:https://oppna-program.googlecode.com/svn/maven/
[INFO] 4096/?
[INFO] 8192/?
[INFO] 12288/?
[INFO] 16384/?
[INFO] 20480/?
[INFO] 24576/?
[INFO] 28672/?
[INFO] 30399/?
[INFO] [ERROR] Problem disconnecting from wagon - ignoring: Failed to
close svn connection
[INFO] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from svn-repo
[INFO] [ERROR] Problem disconnecting from wagon - ignoring: Failed to
close svn connection
[INFO] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact
[INFO] [ERROR] Problem disconnecting from wagon - ignoring: Failed to
close svn connection

We are using wagon-svn 1.9.

Any ideas are very welcome.

On Mar 17, 2:06 pm, Ben Collins-Sussman <suss...@google.com> wrote:
> We just upgraded everyone to a new subversion server -- a blogpost
> with more details is coming today.  The new server is still based on
> Bigtable, but the upshot is that it's about 3x-5x faster than our old
> server (and we expect it to get even faster in the near future!)
> A number of people have been reporting sudden problems with their
> continuous integration systems (or miscellaneous svn clients) suddenly
> being unable to commit changes.  While we haven't confirmed the causes
> for sure, our suspicion is that certain svn clients (particularly ones
> based on the java reimplementation of svn, 'svnkit') are being
> confused by the following two new behavioral changes:
> 1.  The server certificate changed for googlecode.com recently to
> d0:6a:9c:61:00:b6:ea:a7:72:5d:c3:42:d8:f4:8b:9c:06:fe:bd:58 -- we'll
> update the FAQ shortly.   A number of non-official svn implementations
> have flaky handling of SSL and may be failing silently due to the
> certificate change (rather than re-prompting about whether to trust
> the certificate.)  If you have a working copy that used to commit just
> fine over https:// and now just mysteriously fails, please try
> deleting the working copy and checking out a fresh, new one (using the
> troublesome svn client).   Let us know if that clears things up.
> 2.  The old svn server used to require unconditional authentication
> when accessing an https:// URL -- reads and writes both.   The new svn
> server now allows anonymous SSL reads (just like our mercurial
> server).  It's possible that certain clients or scripts are still
> expecting to authenticate when doing reads, and getting confused.

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