
As far I understood it's ok to use 3rd party libraries. So I suppose
it's ok to my libraries written by me too.
But what is not completely clear for me is if it's ok to add source
files that are written by me prior the contest (for examples java
classes that handle the google input/output format) or all sources
have to be written during the contest and all prior writen files have
to be in binary format(as jars for example)?

Also may I use template for my Main file - for example

public class SolveProblem
    public static void main(String args[])
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        if(args.length < 2)
            System.out.println("Usage: java " +
                    SolveProblem.class.getName() +
                    " input_file_name output_file_name");

        GoogleCodeJamOutputFile result = solve(

    private static GoogleCodeJamOutputFile solve
(GoogleCodeJamInputFile input)
        GoogleCodeJamOutputFile results = new GoogleCodeJamOutputFile

        for(int i = 0; i < input.getTestCasesNum(); i++)
            //TODO: To write the logic here

        return results;

and during the contest only to fill the logic in place of the TODO

Also if I use Netbeans does I have to send the whole project file or I
can send only the sources(to make the file smaller)?

Thanks a lot.

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