2009/10/12 Paul Smith <paulsmithena...@gmail.com>

> Some observations:
> Every position is either a win for you or your opponent - the game
> does not contain draws.
> Furthermore, the sub-game played from one consecutive set of biscuits
> is entirely independent of the other sub-games.
> A single '1' is always winnable (b >= 1)
> A string of 1s is winnable if its length is less than b.
> A string of 0s is identical to a single 0 : 11100000000111 is the same
> game as 1110111
> A position is winnable if it contains an even number of unwinnable
> sub-positions.
are you sure of this ?

suppose there are just 2 symmetric subpositions .. its impossible to win
this because whatever move i do, the opponent can do the same in the other
sub-position and hence winning. this means irrespective of whether the
subpositions are winnable or not, a problem having 2 symmetric subpositions
is unwinnable.

infact, just because a sub-position is unwinnable doesnt mean you will
definitely lose the sub-position. the opponent may play it in such a way
that you may still win the sub-position if that leads to his victory. this
is where i don't know how to proceed. would i need to use 2 flags for
winnable and losable ?

> I think you can DP it from there.
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Brats <rbharat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hey .. here is a problem I saw somewhere on net. Can anyone give me
> > some ideas on its algo ?
> >
> > There is a tray that contains a row of "s" slots where biscuits may be
> > placed. You can have atmost one biscuit per slot. You and your friend
> > play a game with it. Each of you get to pick biscuits in turns. You
> > can pick atmost "b" biscuits in a single turn provided they are in
> > consecutive slots with no gaps (empty slots) in between (but you have
> > to pick atleast one in your turn). Whoever picks the last biscuit wins
> > the game.
> >
> > You are given a snapshot of the game and its your turn. Assuming that
> > from this point onwards, both the players play optimally. Find out if
> > you can win the game. And if yes, what is your next move? If there are
> > multiple options for the next move, choose the one where you pick the
> > highest number of biscuits in the next turn. If still there are
> > multiple options, choose the one where you take the leftmost biscuit
> > among them.
> >
> > As input, you will be given 't' which indicates the number of test
> > cases. For each case, you will be given s ( 1<=s<=2000 ), b
> > ( 1<=b<=20 ) seperated by space and the next line will contain s
> > characters that are either '0' or '1' representing each of the s
> > slots. '0' indicates that a biscuit is not present at that particular
> > slot and '1' indicates that a biscuit is present.
> >
> > As output, print "yes" or "no" indicating if you can win and if the
> > answer is yes, print a string of s characters of either '0' or '1'
> > that indicates whether a biscuit is absent or present at the
> > particular slot after you have played your turn.
> >
> > Sample input:
> > 3
> > 3 2
> > 111
> > 8 3
> > 10110111
> > 8 4
> > 11111111
> >
> > Sample output:
> > yes 101
> > no
> > yes 11000011
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> Paul Smith
> http://www.nomadicfun.co.uk
> p...@pollyandpaul.co.uk
> >

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