Thanks all, I was able to get it working using Bartholemew's method. I did a topological sort, then set up the arrays as he suggested and merged them.

Took me a while to get the merging logic right (and decently fast). The way I ended up doing it was this (assuming parent comes before child):

 * Loop over all locations in the final array
 * For each location, assume the parent is rooted there; pick which
   node of the parent is to be the root
 * Now we have say v nodes from the merged parent to the left of the
   current spot; the rest must be from the child.   There are
   binomial(pos, v) ways to arrange the nodes to the left, and
   binomial(n - pos - 1, numParentNodes - v - 1) ways to arrange the
   nodes to the right.
 * Now have to pick which of the child  nodes is the root; can be any
   that are to the right of the current position.  To keep from doing
   an extra loop, can precompute the sum of the child nodes.

If the child comes first, same logic applies but right to left. Final answer is O(n^3), took 21 seconds on their test data.

Hopefully that makes some sense, I put the code at if anyone wants to see.

On 02/16/2013 06:32 AM, Luke Pebody wrote:
I haven't written it up, but I'm pretty sure this works:

1) Root the tree
2) Assign a polynomial to each vertex of the tree as follows (from the leaves upwards to the root)
 - if the vertex is a leaf, assign the polynomial 1
- otherwise, assign the product of Integral[f(t),{t,0,x}] for all polynomials f associated with child vertices that are required to have lower labels, and Integral[f(t),{t,x,1}] for all polynomials f associated with child vertices that are required to have higher labels.

3) The answer is n! multiplied by Integral[f(t),{t,0,1}] where f(t) is the polynomial associated with the leaf.

For the given example:
 Children(0) = 2 (0 more than 2)
 Children(2) = 3,4 (2 more than 3, 2 less than 4)
 Children(3) = 1 (3 less than 1)
 Children(4) = -
 Children(1) = -

the polynomials are:
 Poly(1) = 1
 Poly(4) = 1
 Poly(3) = Integral(Poly(1),{t,x,1}) = 1-x
Poly(2) = Integral(Poly(3),{t,0,x}) * Integral(Poly(4),{t,x,1}) = (x-x^2/2) * (1-x) = x-3x^2/2+x^3/2
 Poly(0) = Integral(Poly(2),{t,0,x}) = x^2/2-x^3/2+x^4/8

Integral(Poly(0),{t,0,1}) = 1/6 - 1/8 + 1/40 = 1/15

So the number of labellings is 5!/15 = 8.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Luke Pebody < <>> wrote:

    I didn't enter HC round 1, because I knew I couldn't enter HC
    Round 3 (day after my birthday - having a gathering). So this is
    the first time I have read the question. But my initial thoughts
    were similar to Bartholomew's: construct the tree one leaf at a
    time. We just need to keep track of enough information to get the
    answer for the k vertex tree ans(k) from ans(k-1).

    I have come up with a reformulation that might be helpful:
    ans(k)/k! is the probability that a uniformly random permutation
    satisfies all of the edge constraints. This is equal to the
    probability that if you choose k random variables uniformly from
    [0,1] that these variables satisfy all of the edge constraints.
    Thus ans(k)/kans(k-1) is the conditional property that these k
    random variables satisfy the (k-1)th constraint given they satisfy
    the first k-2 constraints.

    At this stage we have k-1 random variables we know to be connected
    by constraints, and we want to know the probability (conditional
    on these constraints) that a new random variable uniform on [0,1]
    is less (or more) than a specific one of these variables. The
    probability that a random variable uniform on [0,1] is less than
    X(i) is simply the expected value of X(i), so if we CAN keep track
    of the distributions of each of the vertices, we can solve the

    However, at first glance this seems hard: how does (in your
    example) knowing that X(4)<X(2) affect the distribution of X(1)?
    My idea, which I don't know the quality of, is to keep track of
    the joint distribution of the two endpoints for each edge. Then,
    when you add a new edge to the tree, you can spread out the effect
    through the tree. Then I would try it on a few cases to see what
    these distributions look like. More deets later. Got to go to work.

    Sent from my iPad

    On 14 Feb 2013, at 19:41, Bartholomew Furrow <
    <>> wrote:

    I didn't end up finishing my implementation, but you're right
    that it's a tree.  You can collapse the tree one leaf node at a
    time.  Each node starts off with a vector representing sequences
    that contain only that node: [1].  When you merge your 1 into
    your 3, you're merging a [1] with a [1], and you care about the
    /position/ of the 3.  The merged node looks like (3, [1 0]): you
    care about the position of the 3, which is in the first position
    of 1 permutation that involves those two nodes, and the second
    position of 0 permutations.  The only permutation looks like (3, x).

    Next you can merge the 3 into the 2.  You're merging (2, [1])
    with (3, [1 0]); 2>3; and you care about the position of 2 (the
    non-leaf node).  The result looks like (2, [0 1 1]): there's one
    permutation of those three nodes that has 2 in the second
    position, one that has it in the third position, and none in the
    first.  The permutations look like (x,2,x) and (2,x,x).

    Then merge in the (4, [1]), keeping the 2 (the non-leaf node),
    which (I think) looks like (2, [0 2 1 0]).  The permutations now
    look like (x, 2, x, x), (x, 2, x, x), (x, x, 2, x).  Finally
    bring in the 0, which has to be greater than the 2, and you have
    (x, 2, x, x, x) * 6, (x, x, 2, x) * 2.  That's the same as (2,
    [0, 6, 2, 0, 0]).  A total of 8 permutations.


    On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Matt Weaver
    < <>> wrote:

        Did anyone here manage to get this one?  I've been trying to
        figure it out without any luck. I will copy the problem at
        the end.

        My best guess so far is to consider it a graph with an edge
        for each dependency, then due to their restrictions if you
        treat the edges as undirected the graph forms a tree. Then do
        some sort of DP in DFS order to get the answer?

        I'm stuck on situations like this though:

         / ^
        v   \
        3    4

        (0 > 2, 2 > 3, 2 < 4, 3 < 1).

        One valid permutation is 32041.  Here, 1 is to the right of
        2, even though it is part of 2's left subtree.

        Would appreciate any thoughts.

        In this problem you need to count number of possible
        permutations*p*of the first*N*integers, given*N-1*constraints
        of the form*p_i < p_j .*


        The first line contains an integer*T*,*T*≤ 20, followed
        by*T*test cases. Each test case begins with an
        integer*N*,*N*≤ 1000, which is the number of integers in the
        permutation. The next*N - 1*lines each contain a single
        constraint in the following format: "*i**sign**j*", where 0
        ≤*i*,*j*≤*N - 1*and*sign*is either "*<*" or "*>*", which
        denotes whether the*i*-th element of the permutation should
        be less than or greater than the*j*-th element.

        It is guaranteed that it is not possible to partition indices
        into two disjoint sets A and B such that there is no
        constraint involving elements from both A and B.


        For each test case, output one single line with the number of
        permutations that satisfy all the constraints, following the
        output format shown in the example. The answer may be very
        large, so you should give the result modulo*1000000007*.

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