
The analysis for the "Infinite House of Pancakes" problem 
(https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/6224486/dashboard#s=a&a=1) shows code 
for the O(D*M) solution. However, it also mentions a O(D*sqrt(M) + M) solution 
(without showing the code). Can someone provide an example code or tell me how 
to adapt my Python solution to be O(D*sqrt(M) + M) ?

def solve():
    T = int(input())  # the number of test cases

    for case in range(1, T+1):
        input()  # the number of diners with non-empty plates, ignored
        diners = [int(x) for x in input().split()]

        minutes = max(diners)  # the max stack of pancakes (= the max time)

        # try to arrange all pancakes to stacks of equal height
        for ncakes in range(1, minutes):
            s = sum([(d - 1) // ncakes for d in diners if d > ncakes])  # 
number of special minutes
            if s + ncakes < minutes:
                minutes = s + ncakes

        print(f'Case #{case}: {minutes}')

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