Hello there,

Unfortunately I did not make it to the second round, but in case anyone was interested, this is my Lisp solution for Robot Programming Strategy.

 (defun not-losing-moves (opponent)
   (case opponent
     (#\R (list #\R #\P))
     (#\P (list #\P #\S))
     (#\S (list #\S #\R))))

 (defun winning-move (opponent)
   (case opponent
     (#\R #\P)
     (#\P #\S)
     (#\S #\R)))

 (defun solve (programs)
   (labels ((opponent-move (i program)
              (aref program (mod i (length program))))
            (recur (programs i moves)
              (if (not programs)
                (coerce (reverse moves) 'string)
                  :with possible-moves = (list #\R #\P #\S)
                  :for program :in programs
                  :for opponent = (opponent-move i program)
                  :do (setf possible-moves (intersection possible-moves
                  :unless possible-moves :return "IMPOSSIBLE"
                  :finally (let* ((move (if (= (length possible-moves) 1)
                                          (first possible-moves)
                                          (winning-move (opponent-move i (first 
                                  (remaining (remove move programs :key 
#'(lambda (program)
(winning-move (opponent-move i program))))))
                             (return (recur  remaining (1+ i) (cons move 
     (recur programs 0 NIL)))

 (defun solution ()
     :for i :from 1 :to (read)
     :for n = (read)
     :for programs = (loop
                       :for ii :below n
                       :collect (read-line))
     :for solution = (solve programs)
     :do (format t "Case #~d: ~a~%" i solution)
     :do (sb-ext:gc))) ;; without this, the hidden set fails


I am quite happy with it, and hopefully it should not be too hard for you brave readers to follow along (especially after you read the analysis); however, putting that `(sb-ext:gc)` in there at the end of each iteration really feels like cheating, but the grader would not accept my solution for the hidden set without it, so ... feedback is welcome!


PS. I really miss https://www.go-hero.net/!

Matteo Landi

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