Try the single-house case again. What it looks like to me is that you're
making small updates to your code, trying to fix particular cases. Instead,
take a deep breath, step back, and look at the whole thing.

*What was the problem before?*
findSol wasn't always returning something.

*How can we be sure it doesn't happen again?*
Make sure there isn't a code path that doesn't return something reasonable.

*Under what circumstances does your function not return anything?*
When it reaches the end of the function body without returning.

*How did it get there?*
By going all the way through the loop without returning.

*Why might it go all the way through the loop without returning?*

*Under what circumstances does it return during the loop?*

*Is it possible those circumstances are never met?*

When you figure out how the circumstances are never met, think: Do I need
to make sure that it always returns in the loop? Or can I let it exit the
loop and then return a result?

Good luck,

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 4:44 AM Sourakanti Mandal <>

> Thanks a Lot <3 <3 Actually single House was returning NONE, and also it
> had some problems with house list like [25,25] with a budget of 50. I fixed
> them, but still it gets WA..... Ohh..gosh !
> def findSol(arr, budget):
>     if len(arr) == 1 and sum(arr) <= budget:
>         return 1
>     arr.sort()
>     total = 0
>     count = 0
>     for i in range(0, len(arr)):
>         total += arr[i]
>         #if the total exactly matches budget and there are no more elements
>         # ex : [25, 25] with budget 50
>         if total == budget:
>             count += 1
>             return count
>         elif total < budget:
>             count += 1
>         else:
>             return count
> def main():
>     t = int(input())
>     output = []
>     while t > 0:
>         num_and_budget = input().split()
>         num_and_budget = list(map(int, num_and_budget))
>         budget = num_and_budget[1]
>         items = input().split()
>         items = list(map(int, items))
>         output.append(findSol(items, budget))
>         t -= 1
>     for i in range(len(output)):
>         print("Case #" + str(i+1) + ": " + str(output[i]))
> main()
> --
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