Try the following test case

*0 536870911*

Expected output:

The problem is that for the case above, *min_jumps* should be *29*
However, due to floating point precision error, your *min_jumps* is rounded 
up to *30*

The following code will fix the problem

*long long total_distance = std::abs(x_goal) + std::abs(y_goal);*
*int min_jumps = 0;*
*while (total_distance) {*
* min_jumps++;*
* total_distance >>= 1;*

Full passing solution:

*#include <algorithm>*
*#include <cmath>*
*#include <functional>*
*#include <iostream>*
*#include <map>*
*#include <set>*
*#include <string>*
*#include <vector>*

*int main()*
* int testCaseCount = 0;*
* std::cin >> testCaseCount;*

* for (int t = 0; t < testCaseCount; ++t)*
* {*
* long long x_goal = 0;*
* long long y_goal = 0;*

* std::cin >> x_goal >> y_goal;*

* auto IsValidCoord = [](long long x, long long y)*
* {*
* return (std::abs(x) % 2) != (std::abs(y) % 2);*
* };*

* bool possible = IsValidCoord(x_goal, y_goal);*
* std::string solution;*

* if (possible)*
* {*
* long long total_distance = std::abs(x_goal) + std::abs(y_goal);*
* int min_jumps = 0;*
* while (total_distance) {*
* min_jumps++;*
* total_distance >>= 1;*
* }*

* std::vector<long long> jumps;*
* for (int i = 0; i < min_jumps; ++i)*
* {*
* jumps.push_back(1LL << i);*
* }*

* long long current_x = x_goal;*
* long long current_y = y_goal;*

* for (; !jumps.empty(); )*
* {*
* // Last move must be in E/W direction*
* if (std::abs(current_x) > std::abs(current_y))*
* {*
* if (current_x > 0)*
* {*
* solution.insert(solution.begin(), 'E');*
* current_x -= jumps.back();*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* solution.insert(solution.begin(), 'W');*
* current_x += jumps.back();*
* }*
* }*

* // Last move must be in N/S direction*
* else {*
* if (current_y > 0) {*
* solution.insert(solution.begin(), 'N');*
* current_y -= jumps.back();*
* }*
* else {*
* solution.insert(solution.begin(), 'S');*
* current_y += jumps.back();*
* }*
* }*
* jumps.pop_back();*
* }*
* }*
* std::cout << "Case #" << t + 1 << ": " << (possible ? solution : 
"IMPOSSIBLE") << "\n";*
* }*
* return 0;*

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