Your code has runtime error when* N *is *1*

Removing the following two lines (and also change the start index of the 
two loops from 2 to 1) should fix your problem:


They will cause out of bound error when N is 1

A full passing solution is attached for your reference as well.

*import java.math.*;*
*import java.text.*;*
*import java.util.*;*
*import java.util.concurrent.*;*
*import java.util.function.*;*
*import java.util.regex.*;*
*import static;*
*import static;*

*public class Solution*

*    static long getSum(int index, long[] BITree)*
*    {*
*        long sum = 0; index = index + 1;*
*        while (index > 0)*
*        {*
*            sum += BITree[index];*
*            index -= index & (-index);*
*        }*
*        return sum;*
*    }*
*    public static void updateBIT(int n, int index, long val, long[] 
*    {*
*        index = index + 1;*
*        while (index <= n)*
*        {*
*            BITree[index] += val;*
*            index += index & (-index);*
*        }*
*    }*
*    static void constructBITree(long arr[], int n, long[] BITree)*
*    {*
*        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)*
*            BITree[i] = 0;*

*        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)*
*            updateBIT(n, i, arr[i], BITree);*
*    }*

*    public static void main(String[] args)*
*    {*
*        Scanner in = new Scanner(;*
*        int t = in.nextInt();*
*        int test = 1;*
*        while (t > 0)*
*        {*
*            t--;*
*            System.out.print("Case #" + test + ": ");*
*            test++;*
*            int n = in.nextInt();*
*            int q = in.nextInt();*
*            long[]a = new long[n];*
*            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)*
*                a[i] = in.nextLong();*
*            long[] a1 = new long[n];*
*            long[] a2 = new long[n];*
*            long[] BITree1 = new long[n + 5];*
*            long[] BITree2 = new long[n + 5];*
*            a1[0] = a[0];*
*            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)*
*            {*
*                int c = ((i & 1) == 1) ? -1 : 1;*
*                a1[i] = c * (long)a[i];*
*            }*
*            constructBITree(a1, n, BITree1);*
*            a2[0] = a[0];*
*            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)*
*            {*
*                int c = ((i & 1) == 1) ? -1 : 1;*
*                a2[i] = (i + 1)*c*(long)a[i];*
*            }*
*            constructBITree(a2, n, BITree2);*
*            BigInteger ans = new BigInteger("0");*
*            while (q > 0)*
*            {*
*                q--;*
*                char c = (;*
*                if (c == 'U')*
*                {*
*                    int x = in.nextInt();*
*                    long v = in.nextLong();*
*                    x--;*
*                    long val1 = 0, val2 = 0;*
*                    if ((x & 1) == 1)*
*                    {*
*                        val1 = -1 * v;*
*                        val2 = -(long)(x + 1)*v;*
*                    }*
*                    else*
*                    {*
*                        val1 = v;*
*                        val2 = (long)(x + 1)*v;*
*                    }*
*                    updateBIT(n, x, val1 - a1[x], BITree1);*
*                    updateBIT(n, x, val2 - a2[x], BITree2);*
*                    a1[x] = val1;*
*                    a2[x] = val2;*
*                }*
*                else*
*                {*
*                    int l = in.nextInt();*
*                    int r = in.nextInt();*
*                    l--;*
*                    r--;*
*                    long p1 = (l == 0) ? 0 : getSum(l - 1, BITree2);*
*                    long p = (l == 0) ? 0 : getSum(l - 1, BITree1);*
*                    long sum1 = getSum(r, BITree2) - p1;*
*                    long sum = getSum(r, BITree1) - p;*
*                    //System.out.println(sum+" "+sum1);*
*                    if ((l & 1) == 1)*
*                    {*
*                        sum *= -1L;*
*                        sum1 *= -1L;*
*                    }*
*                    ans = ans.add(BigInteger.valueOf(sum1 - l * sum));*
*                    //System.out.println(ans);*
*                }*
*            }*
*            System.out.println(ans);*
*        }*
*    }*

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