On 2009-10-13 23:19:35 -0700, Roy Smith <roy.smith....@googlemail.com> said:

> I think I have an explanation. The documents I'm accessing live in a Google
> Apps domain under myco.co.uk. Recently I got a browser message "unable to
> contact google.co.uk" when I was editing the spreadsheet. This leads me to
> believe that my spreadsheet "lives" in the  UK. However all of the gdata
> apis work through a google.com url.
> Any googlers out there care to confirm that this would explain why it takes
> up to 2 hours for an update to show up in the API?

Even if your document lives in the UK (I'm not up to date on the 
current rules Spreadsheets uses for deciding where data is homed, of 
even if we're storing data there), there's no reason it should be 
taking two hours.

That's really abnormal, and not something I've ever seen.

Does it happen on other domains? What if you use a GMail account to sign in?

Trevor Johns

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