
Guice 3.0 RC2 is now available.  Please see
guice/wiki/Guice30 for links and details of what changed since Guice 2.0
(and since the last Guice 3.0 snapshot).  That page also contains a broad
overview of new features since the 2.0 release.  The bottom of the page has
some notes about compatibility issues if upgrading from Guice 2.0.

I am very confident that this will be the last release candidate and we'll
roll smoothly into an official release very soon now.

A maven build should appear soon, too.  (Sorry that it wasn't released for
rc1.. there were some differences between the ant & maven build that we
wanted to fix.)

Please report back to this list with your experiences using the release
candidate.  It will greatly help speedup and stabilize the release process.


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