Comment #35 on issue 288 by FinalizableReferenceQueue still leaks

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Let's remember: the main goal of this RFE is to solve a pain-point for web applications, not desktop applications.

There is no ambiguity for webapps as to who should invoke the shutdown() method because there are well-defined shutdown hooks and expectations for what should happen on subsequent requests.

System properties are a bad fit for webapps as they cannot be controlled on a per-webapp basis.

Don't get me wrong. I think your use of Executors is quite clever. I just don't think it really solves this RFE.

Here's an idea: how about allowing us to configure the Executor in the Guice Module? For example:

public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
   private final ExecutorService sharedExecutor = ...;

   protected void configure() {

Nothing prevents you from sharing the same executor across all injectors, and if you really want separate Executors you could do that as well.

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