... but in practice, how often does that actually happen? It sounds to 
me like dependency injection is mostly about testability, not code 
reuse, and to that end ClassLoaders are actually less complex than all 
the hoopla that Guice does under the hood (hint: Guice uses ASM which 
uses bytecode rewriting and possibly even custom ClassLoaders).

        Don't get me wrong, I think that Guice is a great solution for DI, but 
I wonder whether DI is the correct solution to the problem. I am 
suspicious because I find it degrades API usability. Good for testers, 
bad for users :)


Richard Nichols wrote:
> If the only problem you are trying to solve is testing of singletons,
> then Guice doesn't offer you much advantage.
> Remember that Guice is primarily designed to make implementation of
> dependency injection simpler, and that's a design pattern which will
> affect your entire code base, if your code is not factored that way.
> Scoping (e.g. singletons) is another feature provided by Guice to help
> simplify the DI pattern, but it is only one aspect.
> DI isn't just about testability, but other factors such as code reuse
> as well. A singleton which is implemented as a static will be less
> reusable than an object bound in SINGLETON scope with Guice, since you
> can decide whether it should be a singleton, bound in request or
> session scope (for a web app), thread scope etc. A singleton in one
> app, might be suitable in a different scope usage in a different app.
> On Oct 26, 6:14 am, Gili <gili.tzab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is my understanding that one of the main reasons for using Guice is
>> that it is difficult to ensure that static state (such as singletons)
>> get reset across JUnit tests. Isn't that what ClassLoaders are for?
>> What's the advantage of using Guice versus a JUnit runner that simply
>> uses a different ClassLoader per test to ensure that static state gets
>> reset?
>> Thanks,
>> Gili
> > 

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