OK, here the deal :

I use JFormDesigner (a visual builder) , which generates an XML file,
that "declares" the tree of visual objects (JLabel, JTable, and, in
fact any kind of Beans (i.e. that can be instanciated with a
"newInstance" )

I feel that it was smart to "inject" those beans into my controller
There is a runtime code, that reads the xml file, do the
instanciations , and provides a nice API based on the beans name.

I've added an annotation @Widget for fields in my controllers , and I
use the name of the annotated field to inject the corresponding bean

This is my "OwnInjector". It can't be replaced by guice, a simple
facade would be:

class OwnInjector {
injectInto(Object o) ;

and I've made a simple type listener

Now, as I've started using guice, and my controllers, my models are
injected by guice.

I've added a TypeListener so that whenever a controller is injected by
guice, It is also by my OwnInjector. It works, cool.

class JFormDesignerInjector<T> implements MembersInjector<T> {
                OwnInjector myOwnInjector = new MyOwnInjector();
                public void injectMembers(T t) {
                        if (provider != null) {
                                LOG.info("injecting guice/jformdesigner: " + 

But now, I want to go one step further, I want to replace Bean
instanciation ( calling "newInstance" ) by guice instanciation in my
OwnInjector. Have changed the code that says :

return super.newComponentInstance(beanClass, compName);

by the new one
return guiceInjector.getInstance(beanClass);

Therefore the idea was to simply have my "ownInjector" injected too,
so it can get access to  the instance "guiceInjector".

But the problem is that  I can't. And I feel stuck.

I've been looking for a way to change my facade into :
class OwnInjector {
injectInto(Injector guiceInjector, Object o) ;

and my inject  by :
public void injectMembers(T t) {
                        if (provider != null) {
                                LOG.info("injecting guice/jformdesigner: " + 
                                 Injector guiceInjector =
Guice.getInjectorFor( t );
                                myOwnInjector.injectInto(guiceInjector , t);

but, I can't find a way to retrieve the injector neither.

Thank for your help  !

On Jan 25, 3:48 pm, Fred Faber <ffa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a touch confused, but maybe that's irrelevant.
> If you're creating the target instances through guice, you can inject your
> dependencies directly into them.  I suspect you know this, and that there is
> another reason you're using member injection.
> If these instances are not being created through guice, you can request
> injection onto them using Binder::requestInjection()
> (http://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/index.html?com/g...
> )
> If neither of these solutions work, could you please work backwards and
> elaborate on the lifecycle of the target instances onto which you need to
> inject dependencies?
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 9:13 AM, eric <eric...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you for the answer, but it seems to me that your solution will
> > not work as required...
> > I want to "inject" stuff into my classes, but I don't want to call an
> > "injectoStuffInto(this)" for everyone and each class in my project,
> > this is simply NOT injection.
> > My classes that needs such injection are already annotated with my own
> > tag   "@InjectMyStuff",  therefore I already know I have to
> > "injectStuff" in it, and it works already, using TypeListener.
> > But the injectfStuff function use "Class.newInstance" (the javabean
> > standard) method to allocate "stuff". I just want to move to
> > injector.getInstance() instead, but I can't get my hands on a decent
> > injector while in the TypeListener (or anywhere else).
> > maybe with spi ?
> > On Jan 25, 1:58 pm, Fred Faber <ffa...@faiser.com> wrote:
> > > inject Injector, not MyOwnInjector.
> > > On Jan 25, 2010 7:46 AM, "eric" <eric...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've got a problem that I can't solve by myself with guice, a little
> > > help would be nice, thanks.
> > > I've got a routine, that injects some "stuff" from a resource into a
> > > given instance.  Until now, the stuff that was injected was
> > > instanciated using "newInstance". That was nice, but now I'm getting a
> > > guice-addict, I would like to instanciate this "stuff" using
> > > injector.getInstance().
> > > 1/ solution could be :
> > > Use a TypeListener,
> > >                public void injectMembers(T t) {
> > >                                LOG.info("injecting guice/jformdesigner: "
> > +
> > > t.getClass());
> > >                                myOwnInjector.injectInto(t);
> > >                        }
> > >                }
> > > but myOwnInjector should have been instantiated by guice, And I can't
> > > make it !?
> > > 2/ a one liner in every class could go like this
> > > @Inject
> > > MyClass(MyOwnInjector in){
> > > in.injectInto(this);
> > > }
> > > But, hey, that's a ugly dependency, isn't it ?
> > > Any ideas ?
> > > --
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