
Trying to use assisted inject and find it pretty neat, the minor
detail is that it does not quite work for me yet :-)

I have created a Map wrapper to ease switching of caches (typically to
something like Coherence) for my application. I want the Map to be
returned "in a Singleton scope, based on the value of the (assisted)
parameter". I am doing:

NamedCacheLocal.class) );

And I have:
 * A factory for named caches, that later might hide its
implementation using a cluster wide storage.

public interface CacheFactory {
    //had to be named create to work with guice assisted inject, so
renamed from getNamedCache
    public NamedCache create(String name);

public interface NamedCache<K,V> extends Map<K,V> {
    public int getHitPercent();
    public String getHitPercentString();

 * A named cache with a local map as implementation for storage.

public class NamedCacheLocal<K,V> implements NamedCache<K,V> {

     * Constructs a NamedCacheLocal with its dependencies.
    public NamedCacheLocal(@Assisted String cacheName) {

I have this (failing) unit test that checks that the same cache is
used for the same name:

        System.out.println("doing put / get test");
        NamedCache<String,String> namedCache =
        for(int i=0;i<10; i++){
            Object o = namedCache.get("non-hit");
        Object hit = namedCache.get("fisk");
        System.out.println("cache " + namedCache + " delivered value "
+ hit + " to a hit percent of " + namedCache.getHitPercentString());
        assertTrue(namedCache.getHitPercent() > 8 &&
namedCache.getHitPercent() < 10);
        NamedCache<String,String> namedCacheWithSameName =
        for(int i=0;i<10; i++){
            String val = namedCacheWithSameName.get("test"+i);
            System.out.println("got val from cache: " + val);
        //should have used the same reference, thus hit pct now higher
        System.out.println("done with cache " +
        assertTrue(namedCache.getHitPercent() > 10);

So is the thing I put in quotation marks in the intro ("in a Singleton
scope, based on the value of the (assisted) parameter") even possible
just by Guice config, or do I have to go two steps back and one
forward and just implement the CacheFactory myself with this logic?
The first thing I tried was

        bind( CacheFactory.class ).
        toProvider( FactoryProvider.newFactory(CacheFactory.class,
NamedCacheLocal.class) ) .
        in ( Singleton.class );

But that (of course) just gives me a singleton CacheFactory, not the
NamedCacheLocal "singleton" based on the assisted factory parameter.



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