Hi there,

git clone https://code.google.com/p/google-guice
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/echarles/dev/google-guice/.git/
fatal: https://code.google.com/p/google-guice/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?

I tried via a cloned server repo on my googlecode account and got the ame error (google-guice/info/refs not found).

More debug with GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 shows a 404.

Thx for your help,

GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git clone https://code.google.com/p/google-guice
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/echarles/dev/google-guice/.git/
* About to connect() to code.google.com port 443 (#0)
* Trying * Connected to code.google.com ( port 443 (#0)
* SSL connection using RC4-SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject: C=US; ST=California; L=Mountain View; O=Google Inc; CN=*.google.com
*      start date: 2011-11-21 03:59:22 GMT
*      expire date: 2012-11-21 04:09:22 GMT
*      subjectAltName: code.google.com matched
*      issuer: C=US; O=Google Inc; CN=Google Internet Authority
*      SSL certificate verify ok.
* Server auth using Basic with user 'eric.umg.charles'
> GET /p/google-guice/info/refs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZXJpYy51bWcuY2hhcmxlczp5UDdYQzd4UzZnVDc=
User-Agent: git/
Host: code.google.com
Accept: */*
Pragma: no-cache

* The requested URL returned error: 404
* Closing connection #0
fatal: https://code.google.com/p/google-guice/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?

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