On Jun 20, 2012, at 9:42 AM, glenviewjeff wrote:

> I haven't been keeping detailed records, but from what I have been seeing, I 
> think much of my performance hits and optimization improvements has come from

Awesome initial list.  Thanks.

> uglifying my code by removing annotations from injected parameters,

Which - @Named("foo") and @MyBindingAnnotation, or are you talking about 
something else.  

Not sure it's that ugly to implement tagging interfaces instead of binding 
annotations (depends on how verbose and how many of these you have to make.  
Matter of style I suppose, but I can see it being worth it if you're feeling 
the pain here.

> replacing @Assisted/FMB with boilerplate factories

I can understand.  I really think that this could benefit from some 
codegen/bytecodegen love.

> and creating boilerplate generic implementations instead of using TypeLiteral.

Yeah… grr.  Type erasure sucks.  Workarounds suck also. :(


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