On Wednesday, 12 August 2015 19:28:08 UTC-4, Artem Nakonechny wrote:
> I've done some measurements, and it looks the overhead is negligible.

That's what I suspected.

> The excess matcher checks happen only once for a class, during the 
> lifetime of the app. So, Guice, does matcher-checks of a class only the 1st 
> time it encounters the class.

This is true.  The only advantage of a narrower class matcher would be to 
avoid the reflection that examines the type's methods.  (Or there might be 
semantic reasons you want to ignore certain types.)  But regardless, once 
Guice has this information it is kept for the lifetime of your Injector. 

> Side note, why not Guice 4.0?
> Cos we've not migrated yet :) 3.0 works ok for us. 

I just ask because I believe Guice has gotten much faster in 4.0.  If 
you're worried about the overhead of Guice it may be worth trying.  I 
suspect that Guice isn't your main bottleneck though :)

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