Hi everyone,

Not sure how active this group is anymore, but I’m having a very strange 
problem that I can seem to get to the bottom of. It could actually be the 
normal behavior of Guice, but I’m guessing it isn’t.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say I have 3 services named ServiceA, ServiceB and ServiceC and then a 
Controller. The dependencies look like this:

Controller -> ServiceA
Controller -> ServiceB
Controller -> ServiceC
ServiceA -> ServiceB
ServiceA -> ServiceC
ServiceB -> ServiceC

Essentially, ServiceC is being used everywhere. When I create an instance of 
the Controller, Guice is creating 3 or more instances of ServiceC. In my 
real-world case, Guice is creating 500+ or more instances of a single service 
for each request to the application. It seems like Guice should only be 
creating 1 instance of ServiceC since it is a leaf node in the graph and the 
graph is being constructed from a single location (Controller).

A bit of additional detail, we are using multi-binders in some places and the 
classes being bound into the collections do use a number of services.

Anyone have this issue and figure out how to solve it?

— Brian

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