No, I am using the DirectionsRenderer to display the routes on the
map, but I am handling the display of instuctions with my own
function. The basic problem seems to be that calling setRouteIndex(1)
or setRouteIndex(2) on the DirectionsRenderer object before calling
setDirections(result) has no effect -- the DirectionsRenderer still
renders route 0 on the map, even though calling getRouteIndex shows
that the route index has been set to 1 or 2 rather than 0. I am able
to display the instructions for the alternate paths by accessing the
alternate routes in the result object, but I can't get
DirectionsRenderer to render the alternate paths on the map.

Your answer will be helpful if I have to resort to rendering the paths
on the map myself.

On Sep 21, 3:33 am, stu <> wrote:
> Hi
> I'd guess that if you are rendering the results to the map yourself,
> that you can't then use DirectionsRenderer to get to routes.
> I presume you are getting the results object and either using the
> overview_path or going through the legs, steps etc to build the
> polyline,
> In that case you *can* use the result object which has an array of the
> routes  (as long as the DirectionsRequest has provideRouteAlternatives
> set to true)
> if your DirectionsRequest result is called directionsResult, then you
> just ask for the routes like
> directionsResult.routes[n]   where n is the index for one of the
> routes.
> To get your basic polyline path for route number 2:
> directionsResult.routes[1].overview_path
> Does that help?
> ...stu
> On Sep 21, 2:52 pm, bmcf <> wrote:
> > I should have made it clear that I am not using the .setPanel method
> > on the DirectionsRenderer, I am trying to handle the display of
> > directions with my own function.
> > On Sep 20, 2:31 am, bmcf <> wrote:
> > > I would like to have the map show alternate routes on demand. It
> > > initially shows the first route in the "result" by default (there are
> > > three routes). I tried calling .setRouteIndex(1) and
> > > then .setDirections(result) on the DirectionsRenderer object but the
> > > second route was not rendered on the map. Is this not the way to do
> > > it?
> > > Thanks.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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