
Forgot to ask - you do have a global variable named 'map' do you that
can be accessed by the function?
If not then the listener will not be created - and you should see an
error reported in your browser.
Something like 'map is undefined'?


On 21 Sep, 21:58, Peter <> wrote:
> Ok, so now I have:
>         <form id="myFormId">
>             <input type="text" id="lat" name="lat" />
>             <input type="text" id="lng" name="lng" /><br />
>             <a href="javascript:void(0);"
> onclick="javascript:getMapClick();">Enable map click</a> <br />
>             <div id="map_canvas" style="width:300px; height:300px"></
> div>
>         </form>
> and javascript in external .js file:
> function getMapClick(){
>     //      get the LatLng of the map click and complete the search
> form's address box with that value to 4 decimal places
>     alert('hi 1');
>     var listener = google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click',
>             function (clickEvent) {
>                 alert('hi 2');
>                 var myForm = document.forms.myFormId, latLng =
> clickEvent.latLng, lat =, lng = latLng.lng();
>        = lat;
>                 myForm.lng.value = lng;
>                 //      remove the event listener
>                 google.maps.event.removeListener(listener);
>                 listener = null;
>             });
> };
> when I click on the 'Enable map click' link, the first 'hi 1' is
> displayed, but the 'hi 2' not...what is going wrong?
> On Sep 21, 10:28 pm, Martin <> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > Here's some code i've used recently that you should be able to modify
> > to your needs:
> > //      map must be global
> > //      and assume you have a form with an id 'myFormId' which has two text
> > inputs with names 'lat' and 'lng'
> > function getMapClick(){
> >         //      get the LatLng of the map click and complete the search 
> > form's
> > address box with that value to 4 decimal places
> >         var listener=google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click',
> > function(clickEvent){
> >                 var myForm=document.forms.myFormId, 
> > latLng=clickEvent.latLng,
> >, lng=latLng.lng();
> >       ;
> >                 myForm.lng.value=lng;
> >                 //      remove the event listener
> >                 google.maps.event.removeListener(listener);
> >                 listener=null;
> >         });
> > };
> > You could use a button or anchor to call the function:
> > <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick=getMapClick()">Enable map click</
> > a>
> > Martin.
> > On 21 Sep, 12:46, Peter <> wrote:
> > > I want users to be able to click on a worldmap. Then, when theyu click
> > > I get the longitude and latitude of the clicked location and store
> > > them in two textboxes...
> > > Where can I find how to do that?

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