After the page is loaded I'm trying to generate a click event so the
map has the focus. In V2 we used:

var event = {srcElement: map_canvas, target: map_canvas, nodeType: 1};
GEvent.trigger(document, "click", event);

And it works perfectly. I made what seems like the appropriate v3
substitutions in the following file:

There are no errors in either FireFox or Chrome, but it doesn't work.
So I tried to generate a click event on the map itself using a null
MouseEvent in the following file:

FireFox generates the following error:

Error: a is undefined
Source File:
Line: 20

Chrome generates the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '__e3_' of undefined
U.Qc   main.js:20
U.trigger main.js:21
(anonymous function) event-02.html:112

So I thought it might be the null MouseEvent and tried:

The same error is generated in both FireFox and Chrome. Not sure if
this is a bug in v3 API or if it's something I've done incorrectly.
Ideas? Thanks.


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