It may be even simpler; I think initialize() and (document).ready()
are firing in the correct order, which makes the div size=0 when the
map is created.  If I take all of the initialize() code and move it
into the (document).ready() function BEFORE the tab is hidden, the map
creates correctly and then is hidden.  When "map" control is selected
it comes back for me.

So this seems more like a JQuery use issue.

At the risk of nagging, you might benefit from using a validator (I
like the one built-in to Firefox).  It would catch a lot of the silly
mistakes (multiple fields with ID='name').  Then add Firebug, which
would catch that scroll.js is not a javascript file after all.

Good luck!

On Oct 13, 5:46 am, Esa <> wrote:
> 1] The map div is zero sized at the moment when Map is created. It
> takes its final size when 'map' tab is clicked open. There is 'resize'
> event of Map that you should trigger after the 'map' tab is opened.
> 2] You also have a CSS trouble.

> Seems to be guilty.

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