On Oct 13, 1:34 pm, john <john.c...@aafa-inc.com> wrote:
> Hi, there,
> Here is what I am doing now:
> Manually collect the bounds of the country (latNorth, lngEast,
> latSouth, lngWest) and save it in my country database. And with
> following (easy)
>             var ne = new google.maps.LatLng(latNorth, lngEast);
>             var sw = new google.maps.LatLng(latSouth, lngWest);
>             var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(sw, ne);
>             map.fitBounds(bounds);
> Now I want to show Russia. It's east end is actually belong to the
> other side of the world. So, my box can only extend east to 180, which
> is practically fine. I just curious if there a better way to do this.
> I saw a post (in v2) using GeoCoder but I failed to convert it to v3.

Below is what the geocoder returns for russia.  What happens if you
use the coordinates from the "LatLonBox" for your bounds?  (worked for

  -- Larry

  "id": "p1",
  "address": "Russia",
  "AddressDetails": {
    "Accuracy": 1,
    "Country": {
      "CountryName": "Russia",
      "CountryNameCode": "RU"
  "ExtendedData": {
    "LatLonBox": {
      "north": 76.9609558,
      "south": 31.2057644,
      "east": 170.8851638,
      "west": 39.7523482
  "Point": {
    "coordinates": [

> Thanks.
> John

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