On Nov 1, 9:29 am, jd <du...@water.ca.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some leaks in IE with my map. Assoc w/dom. I have tried several
> approaches but can't seem to get rid of them.
> I need acceptable performance for adding up to 200 markers. When you
> add markers, the coordinates of each are assigned to a generated child
> div in "Final Rectified Coords"
> Any advice would be welcomed.

My advice is to read and follow the posting guidelines for the group
(the "sticky post" at the top that says "READ THIS FIRST: Posting

A link to your map might allow useful advice, I will not suggest
posting code as I probably won't read it).  If you attempted to
include a link with your message, it didn't make it to the groups

  -- Larry

> my map
> Thanks

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