Hi Radiante,

WebGL would indeed allow an easy and fast implementation of "Google
Earth" in your webbrowser. Together with Websockets (a new standard
for a persistent connection between client & server) it is possible
right now to develop a real good 3D solution of gmaps/earth. And I'm
pretty sure, that some Google guys already working on that ;)
Both techniques are still not usable in a production environment, but
it's just a matter of time and hopefully Microsoft doesn't wait again
to long to support these stuff.

Right now, You can build your own 3D map web application from scratch
(with an WebGL framework, a geo library and a tileserver). As
tileserver You should use OSM, because (as far as I know) Google
doesn't allow to use their maptiles outside of their apps.


On 9 Feb., 08:52, Radiante <ale_ve...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thx!

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