
Thanks for the responses.

Maybe I'm taking the wrong approach.

As I said, I'm trying to add a Canvas tag OverlayView. Basically what
I want to do is a Heatmap, so that I need the canvas for drawing the
heat surfaces.
For performance reasons, I obsiously can't have a canvas that covers
the entire world surface.

What I would like to do is place my canvas element to the top-left
corner every time the draw method is called.
Once called,  I would like to draw the geometries that are contained
in the current map bounds.

Here's what I have:

function HeatMapOverlay(points, map) {


    // Now initialize all properties.
    this.points     = points;
    this.map_       = map;
    this.canvas_    = null;

    // Explicitly call setMap() on this overlay

HeatMapOverlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();

HeatMapOverlay.prototype.createCanvas = function()
    var panes   = this.getPanes();
    var xy      = this.divEl_.getXY()
    var canvas  = this.canvas_;
    var divC    = this.divC_
    if (!canvas) {

        canvas  = this.canvas_ = document.createElement('canvas');

        canvas.style.position       = 'absolute';

        canvas.style.top            = '0px';
        canvas.style.left           = '0px';
        canvas.style.display        = 'block';

        canvas.style.paddingLeft    = "0px";
        canvas.style.border         = "0px solid none";


HeatMapOverlay.prototype.remove = function() {
    if (this.canvas_) {
        this.canvas_ = null;

HeatMapOverlay.prototype.draw = function(firstTime) {
    if (!this.canvas_) {

HeatMapOverlay.prototype.doDraw = function() {

    var overlayProjection   = this.getProjection();
    var current_bounds      = this.map_.getBounds();

    // translate latlng bounds to pixels....
    var ne =
    var sw =

    var width  = (ne.x - sw.x)
    var height = (sw.y - ne.y)

        this.canvas_.width          = width;
        this.canvas_.height         = height;
        this.canvas_.style.width    = width  + 'px';
        this.canvas_.style.height   = height + 'px';

    this.canvas_.style.top      = '0px';
    this.canvas_.style.left     = '0px';

    var ctx = this.canvas_.getContext('2d');
    var len = this.points.length;

    for (var i = 0; i< len;i++) {
        var p = this.points[i];
        if (current_bounds.contains(p.latlng)) {
          ... draw heatmap....

Is that feasible? How can I place the canvas tag to the top-left
corner every time draw is called?

I tried attaching the canvas directly to map.getDiv(), but it has 2

1) It swallows all mouse events, so the map can't be dragged,
2) If it could, the geometries would be wrongly placed until the draw
method was called?


On Feb 19, 5:51 am, Martin™ <warwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You might have better luck with events reaching your map if you add it
> to the map as a custom control:
> http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/controls.ht...
> Martin.
> On Feb 18, 5:51 pm, Joan <jangl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to add an OverlayView using an html canvas tag.
> > My onAdd method looks like:
> >         var canvas;
> >         canvas  = this.canvas_    = document.createElement('canvas');
> >         canvas.style.position       = 'fixed';
> >         canvas.style.top              = '100px';
> >         canvas.style.left              = '100px';
> >   this.getPanes().overlayLayer.appendChild(canvas);
> > My problem is that when dragging the map, the canvas is not "fixed"
> > relative to the browser's window.
> > How can I achieve that?
> > I did try attach to canvas directly to the maps' div (map.getDiv() )
> > but then I  loose  the interaction with the map as the canvas swallows
> > al mouse events.
> > Thanks!

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