I'm having the 'zindex' problem with kmllayers and have looked at a
couple of the suggestions regarding adding listeners...

Using multple poly-lines, I'm still having the same layering problem.
It seems like the larger layers are on top of the smaller ones no
matter how I order it, even when using the doco suggested 'kmlManager'

I then grabbed the CTA and the tri/hex polygon code and while it
looked like it worked, when I switched the kml.addLayer order I got no
change at all.

Was this broken with an API update?  Perhaps I'm just not getting the

My main goal is to have a large fiber path displayed with a smaller
path denoting progress on top of it, allowing our engineering firm to
update the progress path.  what actually happens, though, is you can't
see the progress path because the large fiber path is always on top,
no matter what order I place it into 'kml.addLayer'


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