The sample you mentioned has both from/to formula.

On Mar 3, 9:10 am, sgiddings <> wrote:
> Having taken the example page for Map Coordinates as a starting point 
> -
> ... I tried to do a the conversion shown here in reverse.
> Obviously, I have some problems.
> Here is my pseudo code -
> 1. Convert pixels to world coordinates
>     x = pixel x / pow(2, zoom level)
>     y = pixel y / pow(2, zoom level)
> 2. Convert world coordinates to lat/lng
>     Lng = (x – pixel origin x) / Pixels per Longitude in degrees
>     Lat = rad2deg(2 * atan(exp(latRadians)) – pi / 2)
>     where latRadians =
>     (y – pixel orgin y) / Pixels per Longitude in radians
> Using the output values from the example page :
> Pixel X : 67247
> Pixel Y : 97459
> Zoom Level : 10
> I get the following results
> Latitude : 97459
> Longitude : 67247
> These are conversions I need to do on the server.
> Can anyone help me correcting the formulas ?
> Simon

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