Sorry to clutter up the thread.  The overlapping tile suggestion may
not work properly.  Intra-tile zIndex priority will be preserved.
Inter-tile zIndex priority may not be.  It will depend on the
childNode order of the CANVAS element which is arbitrary.  Sorry.

Also, the repaint can occur in the CANVAS tile itself.  Just one
detached CANVAS element is required to restore the original CANVAS

Both "getImageData" & "putImageData" are too inefficient to be
practical.  Conversion between 32 bits & 128 bits is performed for
each pixel.  It depends on transfer direction.  CPU architecture (big
endian / little endian) determines whether bytes have to be reordered.

"drawImage" ought to be very quick if the rectangle dimensions are
identical.  It is just one REP MOVSD per row of pixels.  Perhaps the
DMA processor can assist.  Because one of the CANVAS elements is in
memory but off screen, old graphics card may not be able help.

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