On Feb 27, 9:52 pm, "geocode...@gmail.com" <geocode...@gmail.com>
> On Feb 27, 1:54 pm, Fred67 <frederic.debe...@wincor-nixdorf.com>
> wrote:
> > here is a link to see the result:
> >http://wnmapcrm.free.fr/tests/index.php
> > The parsed kml file is a union of several kml files done via
> > Google Earth. I select for all a color red and transparancy of
> > 50%. In the results page, I can see the differents regions , but
> > each have a different fill color. I would like to be able either
> > to specify a fill color, either to use the fill color defined in
> > the kml file.
> geoxml3does not supportStyleMap:

geoxml3 now supports StyleMap "normal" style.  You can implement
highlight functionality as well, but it takes additional code.

> This is what you should see with the latest version ofgeoxml3(with
> your unmodified kml):

(now red, not particularly exciting in this case, but it would have
prevented you from having to change it)

   -- Larry

> > Regards,
> > Fred

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