Thanks, that was the conclusion I came to as well. I monitor the
"togglestate" of the layer with an array, and then whenever the user
interacts with the legend, a function turns off all the layers and re-
draws them in order, depending on the toggle state. See my code in
various states of development here:

On Mar 30, 2:43 pm, JFrancis <> wrote:
> I've noted the newest version of the API does not preserve the initial
> z-order of KML layers when they are hidden/re-displayed like the v2
> API did. A case in point is the conversion to v3API map I have been
> working on, which displays a KML-generated layer of our service
> territory (drawn as a polyline with a nearly-transparent fill) and a
> KML-generated layer of reported outages (drawn as simple markers with
> associated filled polygons). The service territory layer is associated
> with a checkbox that toggles its display. It is also loaded before the
> outages layer.
> The problem manifests should the user toggle the service territory
> layer to hidden, and then toggle it again to visible. When it is re-
> drawn, the service territory now is drawn ON TOP OF the outages layer,
> potentially covering any markers which are near the border with the
> polyline. If the service territory were a solid filled polygon, it
> would probably hide all of the outage markers now beneath it.
> My workaround has been to redraw both KML layers, to enforce the
> initial z-order of the KML layers (annoying, but I did not see any
> other solution to the issue). The relevant code is:
> function initialize() {
> ...
> var svcTerritoryURL = '
> territory.kml';
>    var svcTerritoryOptions = {
>       preserveViewport: 1
>    };
> svcTerritoryLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(svcTerritoryURL,
> svcTerritoryOptions);
> svcTerritoryLayer.setMap(map);
> // set the initial state of the check-box to checked
> document.getElementById('show_service_territory').checked = true;
> var outageURL = '';
>    var outageOptions = {
>       preserveViewport: 1 //leave viewport unchanged, otherwise, map
> will attempt to zoom in to outage marker(s)
>    };
> outageLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(outageURL, outageOptions);
> outageLayer.setMap(map);
> ...}
> ...
> // toggle the display of the Service Territory
> function toggleServiceTerritory() {
>    if (!document.getElementById('show_service_territory').checked)
>       svcTerritoryLayer.setMap(null);
>    else
>       // re-draw the outages layer ON TOP of the service territory
> layer,
>       // otherwise, the outages layer gets displayed behind the
> service territory layer.
>       svcTerritoryLayer.setMap(map);
>       outageLayer.setMap(map);
> }
> -- JF
> On Mar 30, 1:14 pm, Mike Dolbow <> wrote:
> > Get any solutions for this? I'm working on a "TOC/legend" with 4 KML
> > layers and just looking for a successful example. I can remove a KML
> > when checking OFF the box no problem, but bringing it back (and doing
> > so in the right draw order) is proving a bit more challenging...
> > On Feb 18, 2:17 pm, Francisco <> wrote:
> > > I'm stuck.  I can't get my checkbox functional.  I would like to
> > > toggle a KML layer with a checkbox.  The layer should be on when
> > > loaded (check box checked) and then turned off when unchecked.
> > > Simple, I know, but I can't get it functional despite looking at lots
> > > of working examples and checking all the posts.
> > > Site is located
> > > Thanks in advance for the help.

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