Alright I got something figured out. I found out how to calculate the
tile at which a certain point it located based on the zoom level. I
still don't understand how I can translate the tile/point position to
workable coordinates.

I believe if I can get a particular tile's position relative to the
window position, I can then get the difference and draw a marker based
on that.

Don't know if it's obvious, but I'm working in JavaScript and I would
like to draw a div at each point. If I can get the relative position
of a tile to the window, I can absolutely position a div relative to
the tile's X/Y values in the window.

On May 28, 6:05 am, John Coryat <> wrote:
> You can convert a pixel coordinate into a latitude and longitude fairly
> easy. One thing you need to consider. All pixel coordinates are based on a
> particular zoom level. If all your pixel coordinates are assuming one static
> layer, you'll have to figure out what corresponding zoom that represents and
> calculate latitude and longitude based on that.
> Here's a Perl module with the tile math.
> Hope that helps.
> -John Coryat

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