It seems you're confusing a couple of things.

As far as I see myHTML should be a string. A string across a few lines
can be defined like this

var myHTML = '<div id="logo" class="logo"> +
       '<div id="LatLonTxt"></div>' +

In this string the backslash should be used like this:

var myHTML = '<div id="logo" class="logo">' +
       '<div id="LatLonTxt"><\/div>' +

Now you want innerHTML doing all the magic for you to convert the
string to a regular div element and append it to the DOM tree

logo_holder.innerHTML = myHTML;

That should be allright, but now you cannot say immediately after that

var myDiv = document.getElementById("LatLonTxt");

and change its content again

myDiv.innerHTML = "This is a test";

because you'd have to wait until all the API stuff has created the DOM
and finally added your own string and converted it to an element. In
any case this may take time.

On Jun 23, 10:35 am, RoyHB <> wrote:
> I've gone a step further in This 
> page<>
> .
> It attempts to find and list all div elements in the document in alert
> windows.
> The only named div it finds is map_canvas.
> I'm inferring from that that my "LatLonTxt" div isn't part of the document
> domain but rather part of the map object.

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