Why does it matter that the other 2 layers are jpeg?

On Jul 15, 12:03 pm, Casey <csc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a page that contains two unique maps with each map having one
> KML Layer as an overlay.  Each map is contained in an <div> that are
> displayed and hidden based on a what the viewer selects via a drop-
> down box.
> My problem is that I can't get both layers to display on their
> respective maps...only the first one declared seems to appear.  If I
> set the first one to null via setMap(null) I can get the second to
> appear.  I can also get both KML layers to appear on one map...just
> not on their respective maps.
> I realize that I could just put both KML Layers on one map and show
> and hide the KML Layers based on what the user selects...but I need to
> have the ability to do the show/hide on individual <div> since I have
> two other layers that are static JPEG's.
> Here is the site:http://www.crosscountry06.com/
> Thank you for any help you can provide!

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